Project Manager / Issue Tracker

Project Manager - Issue Manager is An application for managing issues, bugs and roles for projects. Built using ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC and PostgreSQL.

There are three different roles and responsibilites that a signed up user potentially can have:

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Identity-Based Authentication and Policy-Based Claims Authorization to manage responsibilities.


The data for the ASPNETUSERS, Identities and Claims are stored in PostgreSQL using GCP Google Cloud SQL instance. The other tables are Project, Issue, ProjectIssues, IssueHistory, ProjectHistory, Screenshots.

Firebase Cloud Storage

Screenshots are stored using Google Firebase Cloud Storage. Create an account and store your credentials inside appsettings.json (Email, Password, Bucket and APIKEY).


You can easily deploy using Google Cloud Platform using Google App Engine (Flex). To protect anti-forgery and data protection use the following:

  • Google.Cloud.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Kms;
  • Google.Cloud.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Storage;
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