There are three different roles and responsibilites that a signed up user potentially can have:
Admin - Can see a list of all users, change user claims for all projects, create new projects, assign users to all projects, delete and manage details of projects and issues.
Project Manager - Can see a list of all users, change user claims for one project, create new project, assign users to created projects and issues and bugs, delete and manage details of specific projects only.
Developer - can see list of issues and bugs assigned to developer, can see projects it is part of (without the ability to change details), create a new issue/delete its own issue. Doesn't have the ability to manage and change any issues except his/her own.
Identity-Based Authentication and Policy-Based Claims Authorization to manage responsibilities.
The data for the ASPNETUSERS, Identities and Claims are stored in PostgreSQL using GCP Google Cloud SQL instance. The other tables are Project, Issue, ProjectIssues, IssueHistory, ProjectHistory, Screenshots.
Screenshots are stored using Google Firebase Cloud Storage. Create an account and store your credentials inside appsettings.json (Email, Password, Bucket and APIKEY).
You can easily deploy using Google Cloud Platform using Google App Engine (Flex). To protect anti-forgery and data protection use the following: