Yohannes Berhane@yohannes15
Hey!! I am Yohannes, a software engineer in New Jersey who enjoys full stack web development with ASP.NET Core or Django with React.
  null   null    New Jersey    Available for hire

Favorite Projects

All Projects

Project/Issues Manager
An application for managing issues, bugs and roles for projects. Built using ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC and PostgreSQL. Three different roles and responsibilites that a signed up user potentially can have.(Admin, Developer and Project Manager) managed by Identity-Based Authentication and Policy-Based Claims Authorization.
  C#   1   0
A Django App that finds the path between two points (selected by the user) on a real world map, using different path finding algorithms (Dijkstra, A-Star, BFS, Greedy-First...) On top of that, the app creates a visualizer for each algorithm to get a better grasp of how the algorithm finds the shortest path. A comparison to the shortest path found by Google Maps is also generated to judge the accuracy of the shortest path found by this app.
  Python   1   0
Dev-Connect is a developer matchmaking application for student developers at SJU. Student developers register with their details and their qualities and interests and after they have registered, they have a view of all aspiring developers at SJU. Users can look at each others skill sets and private message each other in order to collab or just to know each other. Dev Connect was created to promote entrepreneurship and project collaboration at SJU.
  Python   0   0
A Doctor-Patient system built on primarily on Python, Flask and HTML. This application has a user authentication system as well as an implementation of a database for storing Doctors and Patients and their relationship with each other. The design and HTML part of the system isn't complete but the functional aspect is.
  Python   2   0
An implementation of the famous game, TicTacToe, in android studio. You can play against another player on the same device or play against the computer.
  Java   1   0
A website built for American Wood Installers, a millwork company in Long Island. The website is built on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
  JavaScript   0   0